Flourescent Grunge Glam Background

Rainbow Cursor


Monday, October 21, 2013

Jati Diri Camp, Part 3

We didn't really do much on the third day.
We had quite a long session of aerobics on the morning. After breakfast we had a session where we totaled up the cash we had earned throughout the camp. Everyone managed to reach the goal of RM2500 even though some groups broke their egg halfway through the camp and became bankrupt.  Then, we had an activity called Breaking Square where we were required to give a short speech about our feelings throughout the camp. Issac gave a very thought-provoking speech which the facilitators said was very meaningful.
The last event of the day was our closing ceremony which we planned and organised ourselves. Then, we packed our bags and headed towards the exit of the camp and up the bus. The journey back to Permata was kind of quite as almost everyone was asleep. This camp had really drained all the energy out of us.
And... THE END.

Jati Diri Camp, Day 2

We carried out three activities today.
In the morning, we went for jungle trekking and we had to walk through an oil palm plantation. The path was very steep and all of us had to help each other down the steep slopes. There, we were tested on our survival skills when the facilitators asked us to start a fire and cook an egg and half a potato with a box of matches. My group failed to cook the items as we couldn't start a fire. We had to eat the items raw. The raw egg was quite nice and the potato was crunchy and tasted like apple. Later on, we were required to cross a river. My shoes, socks and pants got get as the water was up to my waist. However, I didn't mind getting wet as it was really fun. We walked through a jungle again to get back to the campsite.
In the afternoon, we participated in a war game slash obstacle course. It started raining halfway through the game and all of us were totally drenched. The situation of my clothes got worse when we had to crawl in the mud. Shaspreet and I had then started hugging our friend, Siew so that she would get muddy and wet and look epic. I was shivering due to the cold and couldn't wait to take a bath to clean myself up. However, it was hard for me to have a proper bath in a dark and dirty bathroom.
At night, we had something called a "cultural performance". Each group was required to perform a drama based on a theme they given us earlier. All the dramas were freaking funny and I kept laughing non-stop. Yew Yang's acting was one of the most epic parts of all where he acted as a hungry tiger alongside Rowenna. Siew also gave a solo performance were she sang a chinese song titled "Friends". I was called to join her up in front and I sang along as I knew the lyrics of the song too.
To be continued...

Jati Diri Camp, Day 1

So. After we reached the camp, we listened to a short briefing about the camp. At night, the camp officially began and we were separated into groups. We were also introduced to the Money System where we would be rewarded if we succeeded in doing certain tasks. However, we would also be forfeited if we fail to do a particular task. Later on, we went on a night walk in the dark forest. We were given numbers and passwords beforehand. Then, the facilitators dropped us off one by one at certain spots throughout the forest. When it came to my turn to be dropped off, I was shocked as I found that there was no one behind me. I waited there in the dark for almost an hour before the facilitators came to pick me up.
I felt that the night walk really tested my courage. I thought that I would panic in the forest at first. However, to my surprise, I did not feel really scared. I focused on keeping calm and I tried to observe the night scenery around me. I also sang some songs to myself to stop myself from thinking too much as I would panic if I let my overactive imagination wander. I found that the forest was not as scary as I thought it would be. However, I did not sit down throughout the time I was dropped off as I heard frogs around me and was worried that they would jump on me. Hence, I ended up squatting in the dark. I had an awful cramp in my legs later when I stood up. My legs felt wobbly as I walked unstably back to the campsite.\
I was very tired when the walk ended. I fell asleep very soon after I got back to the dorms. I was so tired that I did not mind the bad condition of the dorms.
To be continued...

Long Time No Blog..

Hello to all!
I have not updated my blog for quite a long time as I have been kind of busy lately. Besides that, I have also attended a camp for the past three days from Friday to Sunday. I shall blog about my experiences about this camp in this post.
Due to the fact that I think that I shall have quite a lot to write about, I shall blog about my experiences in three separate posts (one for each day of the camp).
Here are the links for these three posts:
Day 1 (Friday) : http://canunicornsfly.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_1708.html
Day 2 (Saturday) : http://canunicornsfly.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_4594.html
Day 3 (Sunday) : http://canunicornsfly.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_6127.html
I hope you guys will enjoy reading it. Do comment below if you have anything to say.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Back to Permata Pintar

Okay this post is gonna be short as I have already spent too much time writing the previous post. These posts are late as I have been busy lately.
All I did today was to go and buy stuff for me to bring back to the hostel. I also managed to carry out part of my plan. Sadly, the twins will be separated. (This sentence has a hidden meaning. If you don't understand it, never mind. All shall be revealed soon!)
I also discovered that many fun things happened in my absence at Permata. The kids had fun without me!! Hmpph.. Why do all the good things happen when I'm not there? Ishhh...

Back In Time : Mega Blocks

I have been going to my grandmother's house continuously these few days. As usual, my grandmother had cooked a feast and I had ate until I was stuffed. Besides that, my aunt gave me some clothes that I could use when I go to the US next year. However, that is not what I want to talk about in this post.
I bet all of you know what is Lego, right? I think most kids will own at least a set of Lego. I have a box of Legos at home too. But I have not played with them for quite a long time. I got the chance to relive my childhood moments when I played with my cousin sister's Mega Blocks! These blocks look like Legos, but they are many times bigger!

The rest of my post is just pictures! The captions will tell the story... Enjoy!

Le Mega Blocks!!! Look! Its for ages 1-5!!

Behold my mighty creation!!

Sitting down.. If any of you wondered why the eyes look weird, lemme tell you this. They're actually wheels.

It stands!! With some help from my hand..

No hands! However, I had to block it with a box to prevent it from falling over!

And... The pieces left after I'm done! This set sucks. It has such limited pieces.
This robot is purely created by me. Don't blame me if you think the robot looks lousy. Its good enough for a set with such limited pieces. Any resemblance to any other robot is purely coincidence.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Food Again!!

Okay, I have been eating for the whole day again as I went to my grandmother's house again! Really, I'll get fat if I continue eating at this rate. And Siew won't be proud of me. (If she knew XD)
Remember that freaking puffy thing in the last post?? Go and see it!! Its just below here.. Today my cousin kept throwing it around the house. POOR PUFFY THING. AWW... My heart bleeds to see it being thrown about! (I think that escalated quickly). Anyway I have half a mind to steal it for myself when she flies back to the US..
By the way, I just found out that the Laser Battle in Ipoh Parade has reopened AND IT HAS A PACIFIC RIM THEME! I'm seriously tempted and I really feel like going now!

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Basically, I've been eating for the whole day as I have been at my grandmother's house. She cooks freaking good food that's seriously tastes like paradise!
I have also been playing with my lil' cousin sister. She has been very entertaining and I have been laughing till my stomach hurts. She was playing this game on my uncle's Ipad where you bake pancakes then decorate them. She got offended when we hijacked her decorations and threw the Ipad away. Then she started yelling gibberish. Oh god that is so freaking funny!!!
I also played with my cousin's toys and I found this freaking cute animal!! ITS SO FREAKING CUTE AND PUFFY!!! I WANT IT!!!



Target Found

Hi! I'm actually writing this for Friday! I had reached home at 2 a.m. yesterday and I had woken up just about an hour ago.. Anyway, I'm gonna be at home for a few days and will only be going back to PERMATA next Tuesday!
So yesterday I had gone to Sunway for dinner and had acquired my long-looked-for target. However, there were some problems and I failed to obtain it. No worries! I'll be going back next Tuesday to have it in my hands.. Muahahaha!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Normal Day (Compared to the Others)

Hi world!
Today has been quite a normal day in comparison to other days.. Nothing interesting really happened..
Anyway this is the second day in a row that the dining hall served lousy dinner! I ended up eating instant food again. Sigh.
I also decided to give my blog a makeover. However, I am not really satisfied with the outcome. I have no mood to continue editing so I think I will leave it like that for the time being.
Nothing much to write, so..

Day of Madness (and Laughing)

Hi guys!
This post was for yesterday but I'm writing it today. I unwittingly fell asleep while doing my homework so I'm only writing this post now.
So yesterday I had this song called "Sexy B*tch" repeating itself nonstop in my head. I got a headache so bad that I had to take a nap. However not only the nap didn't not cure my headache, it even made it worse! It turned out that the imaginary MP3 in my head was restless.
At prep, I got to know that everyone was trying out this application on Facebook. The application was called My Top Friends. Therefore, I decided to check it out too! 
After awhile...



This app is seriously messed up. In the first one, my dad's my crush, my friend's my enemy and that person (=_=) cares for me the most!? What larr... In the second one, the one about my dad may be considered to be true, my friend's still my enemy and YEW YANG has moved there?!! What lar weyh?!! The only thing true about what they say is the part about Shaspreet.. (Yay!) In fact, its mutual. Shaspreet used this app to and she got me as her best friend! (Awww...)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Prank Accomplished!!

I know that it's already past midnight but this is actually my blog post for Tuesday. Why is my post late? Look at the title of my post for your answer. XD
I managed to pull off my very first plan of this scale with the cooperation of the team : Arathi, Siew and me! Arathi and I had gone over to Shaspreet's room saying that we wanted to charge our gadgets as all the power outlets in our room weren't working. Our power outlets were really faulty, but that wasn't the REAL reason we invaded her room!
Shaspreet was very unsuspecting when we entered her room. However, when Siew came in, the party started! We managed to complete the prank thanks to Siew's newly discovered skills. (Well I guess you could call that skill...) Shaspreet was extremely shocked can couldn't believe what she was seeing. On the other hand, Arathi and I were laughing hysterically at Shaspreet's reaction. We also managed to capture everything on our smartphones. (For memories!!! LOLz) Our recordings were full of vibrations and there was non-stop snickering in the background as we couldn't stop laughing while we were in the process of capturing those momerable moments. (Those moments were seriously memorable, mind you!!!)
So now I'm writing this after this prank. To anyone who does not understand what is the prank, I shall not tell you the answer but you may comment your guesses below!
P.S. Trust me. It's hard to get it right..

I felt like this throughout the prank: 


Monday, October 7, 2013

Sick Days, Part 2

I am still sick today..

I found this video on Youtube and I like it!
The chorus is addicting!!

Dumb ways to die~
So many dumb ways to di-ie~~
Dumb ways to di-i-i-ie~~~
So many dumb ways to die~~~


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sick Days, Part 1

I got sick today from all that laksa yesterday!!
I have no mood to write anything...
I am feeling freaking cold and now I am sitting on my sofa wearing a jacket and wrapped in a blanket!
I feel like a worm.. =.=''


Saturday, October 5, 2013

SAT Trip To Penang, Part 2

Woke up early today and started getting myself ready for the big moment. Had a final glance at study materials while eating Maggi for breakfast. I felt very nervous knowing that the SAT is one big exam that I can't afford to screw. I walked to the test center with my dad. I was then assigned to a classroom where I would take my test. Eric, Beng Lin, Khairul Ain and Raha were assigned to the same classroom as me.
Then, it began. I felt strangely cool throughout the test. However, the test was harder than expected and I didn't manage to finish a few questions. TT.TT When the test ended, I waited for my dad to come and pick me up. After waiting for quite a long time, there was still no sign of my dad. So, being impatient, I decided to walk back to the hotel myself.
Later on, we checked out of the hotel. My dad than proceeded to drive us down to Air Itam for laksa. The laksa there was said to be the best laksa in Penang! When we arrived at the laksa stall, I was already starving as the GPS had given us wrong directions, resulting in a number of detours. My family had a bowl of laksa and a cup of sugarcane juice each. The laksa was once of the best I have ever tasted and I asked my dad to order a second bowl for me! (I told ya I was starving!)
After we satisfied our hungry bellies, we started our journey home. I even had the chance to enjoy another meal fit for a queen as my grandmother invited us to her house for dinner.
It was practically non stop eating for me!

Now perhaps its time for some pictures... 

Feeling Like a Boss After SAT.. XD

Le Laksa and Le Sugarcane Juice!

Close-up of First Bowl!!

Time For The Second Bowl!!

SAT Trip To Penang, Part 1

Today has been a really stressful day. My dad had fetched me back from UKM last night. I had woken up early this morning to study for my SAT that I have to take tomorrow. After my sister came back from school, my family started our journey to Penang. I had to go to Penang for my SAT as there were no more places left at the test center in KL which is Inti College. The Penang test center was located at Dalat International School.
So, after checking in at Copthorne Orchid Hotel, my dad and I went to check out Dalat International School to familiarize ourselves with the journey there. It turned out that the test center was within walking distance of the hotel. I could just walk there next morning. Then, my family and I went out for dinner. We experienced a number of awkward situations as some of the stall owners couldn't understand Cantonese when we wanted to order food. After dinner, I went back to the hotel to revise for my SAT.
I studied until about 11.30 p.m. However, my attention kept wavering as I had been suppressing my stress levels that had gradually built up throughout the day. So, I decided to call my friend Nguang Siew Hung to de-stress. We chatted for almost an hour until it was time for me to go to bed. That call was kinda effective as I felt less stressed after talking to her! That's one of Siew's mystical powers... She can seriously cheer me up using her special methods! Hahaha...

Friday, October 4, 2013

An Unforgettable Day (Seriously)

Hi guys!
Yo. 'Sup. Yeah.
If you don't feel like reading this after you see the title, think again. This is NOT some soppy post about my day. This is NOT, I repeat, NOT a crappy post about my day. You won't regret it after reading this.
So. About my day. Everything was normal at first. My friend had entered my room and settled down with my laptop to watch a movie. The movie was Street Dance and it was awesome! Then she started bobbing her head and looked like she wanted to rap.
Later on, she told me she felt like singing. Things escalated quickly from that moment onwards. I got to know a whole new side of her. I didn't even know she had it in her. Well, I knew that she was somehow like that... But still... It was epic. And entertaining. And... I suspect I might be addicted to that thing. Sugar! Honey! Ice! Tea! (Did you see what I did there? If you don't, look again =P) I don't know. I'm feeling confused right now.
I think I'm gonna sleep now to clear my head. I'll see how I feel tomorrow.
Mkaybye guys!


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

PMR (The exam I need not take)

Hello, world!
Today is officially 2nd October, the day when all Malaysian Form 3 students (15 years old) start their PMR examination. This PMR will be from 2nd October to 9th October. It is the last PMR in Malaysia as Form 3 students next year will not need to take PMR anymore. PMR has been abolished and the students born in 1998 belong to the "Last Batch of PMR takers"!
Here, I would like to take this opportunity to wish good luck to all my Form Three friends at AMC, my former school!
"Hey guys! (especially 3P9) good luck for your PMR yar! Remember to answer everything carefully and don't panic! No last minute studying yar! I'm also having an upcoming exam this Saturday which is the SAT! Let's work respectively to excel in whatever exams we are taking okay? All the best! I know you guys can do it!"


Sickness is in the air..

Today, Tuesday, was one of the most epic days in Permata Pintar. Everyone around me was falling sick!! The cause was unknown. It was either due to the water pollution in camp or the chlorinated water in Permata.
If the cause is the camp water, then I'm safe.. I think.. but if the chlorine water is the cause, I dunno lar! Anyway, the chlorine problem is quite serious. I had to eat chlorine tasting food at lunch. I felt like puking halfway through my meal and had to dispose of the food although there was still a lot of food left. I could also always smell chlorine when I walked pass the toilets. If I happened to walk into a bathroom, the smell of chlorine would overpower me! Errgghh...
Anyway, the health conditions of my friends are getting worse! My roommate Arathi kept having stomach pains and she always felt like vomiting. My friend Nguang Siew Hung suddenly got a fever and she started looking really sick. She looked really blur and, well, sick. She she felt really hot when I touched her. However, she stopped giving me the silent treatment as she was too sick! If you guys want to know why she was giving me the silent treatment, visit this post! She also had to visit my room as the water supply in Block A had been turned off. She ended up falling asleep in my room. I let her sleep until the next morning as she was really tired.
Besides that, the Syabas water truck came yesterday. I took my pail and filled it up with water. I also helped Siew carry her pails as she was sick and looked like she wanted to faint. The pails were really heavy and my arms hurt after carrying them. Best. Workout. Ever.
Stay tuned for more news!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Blue Monday

Blue Mondays. People always link "Monday" with the colour blue. Why blue? Why not another colour?

Maybe, Monday could be known as . . . . . . .  Pink Monday.
Purple Monday.
Yellow Monday.
Orange Monday.
Or even Red Monday.

Back to the topic. Now, I understand why Monday is known as "Blue Monday". That's because I'm feeling really down right now. I just got scolded by Nguang Siew Hung. She scolded me because I didn't manage to do as she said. She told me that I must complete 3 SATs by this weekend. However, I only managed to do 1.5 SATs. Half of the actual amount. 

And now she's angry with me. And ignoring me. And she's telling everyone to ignore me. I'm to be given the silent treatment until I do another 1.5 SATs. This is depressing. Not to mention sad. It's bad enough that my classmates (Shaspreet and Yew Yang) AND my roommate (Arathi) are in the Nobel Mindset Program. For more info about my friends being in the Nobel Mindset Program, click here... I had only Siew left to talk to. But now she's ignoring me. I seriously feeling like... I dunno? Not as serious as dying... But still... =(

So now I'm basically feeling like this : 

Mkaybye~ =(

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Le Weekend, Part 3

I know that I have already posted for today but I just felt the urge to write another post.Yew Yang just called me and told me that the camp was really fun. "I played until like what..." That was what he said. I started to feel really left out and I started to regret my not going to the camp. So, I told my parents that my friend said that the camp was really fun. They said its no use going to a camp that is really fun if I screw my SAT. Bummer.
Anyway, I'm feeling really emo now as I wished I could have attended the camp. If only they could have changed the date of the camp. If only they had made the camp less fun. If only my SAT wasn't so near. If only I could have gone to the camp. If only ,if only and if only.
Okay I'm getting even more depressed by the minute and my dad is yelling as its really late so I'm gonna stop here.
Mkaybye? (see I'm so depressed that I don't even have the mood to say this cheerfully)

Le Weekend, Part 2

So today I woke up at 11.30 a.m. Actually I wanted to wake up later as my bed was really comfortable but I was hungry so I had to wake up. (I bet a lot of people are like this too!)
Yesterday, I chatted with Shaspreet on Facebook. She told me some really epic news! I was really glad to see her online after a whole day! It has been weird as hardly anyone was online. My old friends were busy studying for their PMR. My PERMATA friends were at camp. I had no one to chat with. Its like being cut off from the social world.
So, boy, I was glad when she finally came online. But then my dad asked me to get off the internet. He is asking me to log off now as he bought a lot of food! One of it is McDonald's Grilled Chicken Burger, THE GCB. Therefore, thee shall stop here to enjoy my hearty feast.

Le Weekend, Part 1

I slept at about 12 a.m. yesterday after a long journey home. My dad had picked me up at about 6 p.m. I then had Subway for dinner (as usual) and slept the whole way back to Perak.
So... yeah. I know that all the rest of my friends are in the Uniform Body Camp at Sungai Congkak. Shaspreet and I saw them off yesterday. We kept waving bye to all the people passing by as we sat on the stairs. We had waited until our friend, Siew walked down the stairs and set off. Then we went back to wait for our parents to fetch us. Yes, Shaspreet went home too.
I had then woke up at 12 p.m. this morning (or is it afternoon?). I finally managed to sleep for 12 hours. Then I spent my day doing stuff. Yeah. Stuff.
I'm not going to write what I did and I know that this post is starting to be boring and I don't really feel like blogging now so I'm gonna stop here.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Today is Friday!!

Today is Friday!
Today is Friday!
All the children happy!
This is what my friends and I usually say on Fridays. There's always a reason to be happy on Friday. We have less classes and an earlier lunch time!
Today was kinda special as Shaspreet and I wasted an hour of my Modern Mathematics period on playing a game in the Google Browser. The game was for Google's 15th birthday! Happy Birthday Google! (Google is the same age as me..) In the game, we had to hit a pinata and try to get the highest number of sweets possible. I can't believe I can be addicted to that game! Its kinda lame.. =_= Anyway, I got a high score of 175! (In your face Yew Yang! Don't think you are the only one that can get 175!) I think it might be the highest score possible as I can't get a score higher than that. I dunno. There might be people that are more pro than me. I also got weird scores like 167 and 169. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, nevermind... XD)
Later on, we had Physics class and Biology class. Miss Ing was not entering for Biology class today so we had to present our Powerpoints without her. My presentation was on Patau's Syndrome which is also known as Trisomy 13. My classmate, Yew Yang kept playing this speed typing game called Type Fu in Biology class. He was totally addicted to that game ever since Shaspreet told him about it. He kept trying to break 100 WPM. He managed to reach a typing speed of 104 WPM! OMG. That's really fast. Shaspreet and I can only reach about 50 WPM...
They also announced the name list for the Nobelist Mindset Program. I knew I wasn't going to be in the list as I had attended the same program at the beginning of the year. My classmates Shaspreet, Yew Yang and Julia were shortlisted. My roommate, Arathi was shortlisted also. Therefore, next week, my classmates and roommate will abandon me temporarily to attend the program! No Shaspreet to "sesat" together with. No Yew Yang to call me if I'm blur or anything. No Arathi in the room. This is so sad.. *sob sob*
Okay, I'll think I'll stop here as I have to go for lunch soon. I hope the lunch is special today!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Happy Day.. Yay!!

Hi everybody!
I'm in an extremely good mood today!! On cloud nine!! Whee!!
Actually, my day didn't really start out right. I had an Add Maths quiz first thing in the morning. There was not enough time for me to finish the quiz as I had left a couple of questions undone. Sigh. There goes my chance to get an A+ in Add Maths. There may be another quiz but it will be about differentiation which is wayyy harder than the quiz today which is about solution of triangles and index numbers. If I don't get full marks for at least one quiz, my carry marks will not be full, and that makes it very hard for me to obtain an A+.
However, I got back my Linear Algebra exam paper during Linear Algrebra class this evening. Urgghh... We finally got the paper back after a long wait. I managed to obtain quite high marks, so I was very satisfied with the results. But it would have been better if I had managed to score full marks. Anyway, I should be thankful. Its much better than what I expected anyway.
But that is not the reason that I'm in such a good mood! There is more..
My friend is finally treating me normally after a few awkward days! I thought she was angry with me! Its good that things are back to normal... =) Don't be angry anymore, okay? Its really scary when you're angry.. I like you better when you are normal and happy..

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
LOL. Mkaybye!

Post for Fun

Just wanted to post another short bit.. 
Just for fun..

That was depressing...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Of Artistic Gymnastics and Blood Tests......

Wassup, world!
So, today has been quite an epic day as you can see from my post title...
First, about the artistic gymnastics. We had Physical Education today and our teacher, Pn.Azrina told us that we have to prepare an artistic gymnastic performance. Performance? Oh god... How do I do artistic gymnastics?? As our class 4K7 has 16 students, we got divided into 4 groups of four. We will perform using a ball, a hula-hoop, a scarf or a rope.
I was assigned to the "rope" group. Personally, I think it is the hardest group of all compared to the rest. By the way, guess what rope we had to use?? A freaking skipping rope! I can't even skip! And I bet that it will be dangerous for us to swing the skipping rope about.. It might hit someone in the eye or accidentally get wrapped around someone's neck. And when the rope is pulled... "SNAP!" "ARGGGH!!!!" Yeah, yeah, I know, Final Destination.. LOL =D 
Later on, I went for lunch at 11.55 a.m. I ate really fast and practically swallowed all my food but still ended up late for my Biology class. Today's Biology class was special as we did a test to determine our blood type! It was exciting for me as I did not know my blood type before this.
We had to prick our fingers to obtain our blood. I felt quite scared as I thought it would be very painful. I was also worried that my finger might not drip enough blood and I would need to prick my finger another time. Fortunately, my finger produced just enough blood. It didn't really hurt too.
I found that my blood type is O+! Shaspreet was also O+. This meant that we could donate our blood to anybody but could not recieve blood from anyone else other than O... I felt great that I finally got to know my blood type!
Okay this post is getting really long so I'll stop here..

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Waiting In English Class

So, I've been here waiting for Mr. Hasrul to enter class... Then, I thought, why not another blog post??
As you guys can see, I ended my last post with "Mkaybye!" Don't ask me why I said that. I want to say that and I shall say that every time I end a post.
You might wonder why I used the word "Unkrikkrikable" too. Basically, it doesn't have any meaning in the English language so you guys don't have to look it up in the dictionary for the meaning. Just continue reading this post.
So, unkrikkrikable means... -now gimme a drumroll here- *Cymbal crash*

“Unkrikkrikable (adj)

Pronounced as UN-KRIK-KRIK-A-BLE
Derived from the Malay word, " krikkrik" which represents the sound a cricket makes.
Usage: You use krikkrik when no one laughs after a joke, which means that your joke is not funny nor interesting. -Ha!-
If something is UN-krikkrik-ABLE, its means that you can't use "krikkrik" and therefore, the subject IS  FUNNY AND INTERESTING.” 

Therefore, if my life is UNKRIKKRIKABLE, it means it's FUNNY and INTERESTING, so you guys better read my UNKRIKKRIKABLE blog!

Early Morning Post

Good morning, everybody! =D
Its kinda early for blogging this morning, so, I'm just gonna write a short post here before I go to class!! (In fact, Mr. Hasrul's class >.< )
I've spent yesterday's prep changing the design, layouts and fonts for this blog. As you know, this is not my first time blogging. Waves of nostalgia washed over me as I saw familiar stuff in blogging ( HTML codes and things like that). Gosh, I hope I still know how to change HTML! -Hees-
Anyway, in my opinion, I picked a great background for my blog! I like it! Its quirky, trendy, colourful but not too colourful till its too glaring.. I let my blog have a purple theme too!
BTW, I gotta go now. Time for assembly, then class.

Monday, September 23, 2013

First Post, But Not First Time -Heh-

'Sup, world!
This shall be my third blog. God, it's the third one already? Anyway I hope that the saying "third time lucky" is true. I stopped writing my first two blogs after a while as I got tired of posting stuff. I hope I won't give up on this one. May this blog last.
Ok, so, back to the point. Basically, I'm writing this blog as part of an English Assignment as assigned by my English teacher, Mr.Hasrul. (-waves- "Hi, sir!") I would be mad to create a blog at this time with my endless school work and all. Anyway, he shall be reading what I post in this blog so I'll have to be careful not to post any crap.
I shall be posting in this blog everyday from now till the week before the exams. I shall then decide whether to continue or abandon this blog. I hope I'll decide to continue it if I'm not too lazy.
This shall be the end of my first post as my English lesson is already over. Time for the next class!