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Monday, October 21, 2013

Jati Diri Camp, Day 2

We carried out three activities today.
In the morning, we went for jungle trekking and we had to walk through an oil palm plantation. The path was very steep and all of us had to help each other down the steep slopes. There, we were tested on our survival skills when the facilitators asked us to start a fire and cook an egg and half a potato with a box of matches. My group failed to cook the items as we couldn't start a fire. We had to eat the items raw. The raw egg was quite nice and the potato was crunchy and tasted like apple. Later on, we were required to cross a river. My shoes, socks and pants got get as the water was up to my waist. However, I didn't mind getting wet as it was really fun. We walked through a jungle again to get back to the campsite.
In the afternoon, we participated in a war game slash obstacle course. It started raining halfway through the game and all of us were totally drenched. The situation of my clothes got worse when we had to crawl in the mud. Shaspreet and I had then started hugging our friend, Siew so that she would get muddy and wet and look epic. I was shivering due to the cold and couldn't wait to take a bath to clean myself up. However, it was hard for me to have a proper bath in a dark and dirty bathroom.
At night, we had something called a "cultural performance". Each group was required to perform a drama based on a theme they given us earlier. All the dramas were freaking funny and I kept laughing non-stop. Yew Yang's acting was one of the most epic parts of all where he acted as a hungry tiger alongside Rowenna. Siew also gave a solo performance were she sang a chinese song titled "Friends". I was called to join her up in front and I sang along as I knew the lyrics of the song too.
To be continued...

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