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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

PMR (The exam I need not take)

Hello, world!
Today is officially 2nd October, the day when all Malaysian Form 3 students (15 years old) start their PMR examination. This PMR will be from 2nd October to 9th October. It is the last PMR in Malaysia as Form 3 students next year will not need to take PMR anymore. PMR has been abolished and the students born in 1998 belong to the "Last Batch of PMR takers"!
Here, I would like to take this opportunity to wish good luck to all my Form Three friends at AMC, my former school!
"Hey guys! (especially 3P9) good luck for your PMR yar! Remember to answer everything carefully and don't panic! No last minute studying yar! I'm also having an upcoming exam this Saturday which is the SAT! Let's work respectively to excel in whatever exams we are taking okay? All the best! I know you guys can do it!"


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