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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Of Artistic Gymnastics and Blood Tests......

Wassup, world!
So, today has been quite an epic day as you can see from my post title...
First, about the artistic gymnastics. We had Physical Education today and our teacher, Pn.Azrina told us that we have to prepare an artistic gymnastic performance. Performance? Oh god... How do I do artistic gymnastics?? As our class 4K7 has 16 students, we got divided into 4 groups of four. We will perform using a ball, a hula-hoop, a scarf or a rope.
I was assigned to the "rope" group. Personally, I think it is the hardest group of all compared to the rest. By the way, guess what rope we had to use?? A freaking skipping rope! I can't even skip! And I bet that it will be dangerous for us to swing the skipping rope about.. It might hit someone in the eye or accidentally get wrapped around someone's neck. And when the rope is pulled... "SNAP!" "ARGGGH!!!!" Yeah, yeah, I know, Final Destination.. LOL =D 
Later on, I went for lunch at 11.55 a.m. I ate really fast and practically swallowed all my food but still ended up late for my Biology class. Today's Biology class was special as we did a test to determine our blood type! It was exciting for me as I did not know my blood type before this.
We had to prick our fingers to obtain our blood. I felt quite scared as I thought it would be very painful. I was also worried that my finger might not drip enough blood and I would need to prick my finger another time. Fortunately, my finger produced just enough blood. It didn't really hurt too.
I found that my blood type is O+! Shaspreet was also O+. This meant that we could donate our blood to anybody but could not recieve blood from anyone else other than O... I felt great that I finally got to know my blood type!
Okay this post is getting really long so I'll stop here..

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