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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Le Surprise Party

Yesterday, my friends and I held a surprise party for our granny, Arathi Jeyaratnam. Her birthday was actually on the 18th of October, which was a Friday. However, we didn't managed to celebrate her birthday on that day as we had to attend the jati diri camp. Therefore, her birthday party was delayed until yesterday.
She was very surprised and thanked all of us. I really can't believe that she didn't suspect a thing as I was practically acting kind of weird through the whole day planning the party. We tricked her to follow us to the venue of the party and she didn't realized anything until we started singing the birthday song. We enjoyed that epic moment when that look of realization appeared on her face.
We also got her A PINK FLUFFY UNICORN as a present! We tied the unicorn to the fan and Arathi had to climb up and get it down herself.

Now the pictures will tell the story...

The unicorn we drew on the board!

Arathi trying to untie the unicorn!!

Granny is feeding me pizza...

Now it's Siew's turn!!
Shaspreet's epic face when eating her pizza!!!
And last but not least, Arathi giving her thank-you speech!!


Monday, October 21, 2013

Jati Diri Camp, Part 3

We didn't really do much on the third day.
We had quite a long session of aerobics on the morning. After breakfast we had a session where we totaled up the cash we had earned throughout the camp. Everyone managed to reach the goal of RM2500 even though some groups broke their egg halfway through the camp and became bankrupt.  Then, we had an activity called Breaking Square where we were required to give a short speech about our feelings throughout the camp. Issac gave a very thought-provoking speech which the facilitators said was very meaningful.
The last event of the day was our closing ceremony which we planned and organised ourselves. Then, we packed our bags and headed towards the exit of the camp and up the bus. The journey back to Permata was kind of quite as almost everyone was asleep. This camp had really drained all the energy out of us.
And... THE END.

Jati Diri Camp, Day 2

We carried out three activities today.
In the morning, we went for jungle trekking and we had to walk through an oil palm plantation. The path was very steep and all of us had to help each other down the steep slopes. There, we were tested on our survival skills when the facilitators asked us to start a fire and cook an egg and half a potato with a box of matches. My group failed to cook the items as we couldn't start a fire. We had to eat the items raw. The raw egg was quite nice and the potato was crunchy and tasted like apple. Later on, we were required to cross a river. My shoes, socks and pants got get as the water was up to my waist. However, I didn't mind getting wet as it was really fun. We walked through a jungle again to get back to the campsite.
In the afternoon, we participated in a war game slash obstacle course. It started raining halfway through the game and all of us were totally drenched. The situation of my clothes got worse when we had to crawl in the mud. Shaspreet and I had then started hugging our friend, Siew so that she would get muddy and wet and look epic. I was shivering due to the cold and couldn't wait to take a bath to clean myself up. However, it was hard for me to have a proper bath in a dark and dirty bathroom.
At night, we had something called a "cultural performance". Each group was required to perform a drama based on a theme they given us earlier. All the dramas were freaking funny and I kept laughing non-stop. Yew Yang's acting was one of the most epic parts of all where he acted as a hungry tiger alongside Rowenna. Siew also gave a solo performance were she sang a chinese song titled "Friends". I was called to join her up in front and I sang along as I knew the lyrics of the song too.
To be continued...

Jati Diri Camp, Day 1

So. After we reached the camp, we listened to a short briefing about the camp. At night, the camp officially began and we were separated into groups. We were also introduced to the Money System where we would be rewarded if we succeeded in doing certain tasks. However, we would also be forfeited if we fail to do a particular task. Later on, we went on a night walk in the dark forest. We were given numbers and passwords beforehand. Then, the facilitators dropped us off one by one at certain spots throughout the forest. When it came to my turn to be dropped off, I was shocked as I found that there was no one behind me. I waited there in the dark for almost an hour before the facilitators came to pick me up.
I felt that the night walk really tested my courage. I thought that I would panic in the forest at first. However, to my surprise, I did not feel really scared. I focused on keeping calm and I tried to observe the night scenery around me. I also sang some songs to myself to stop myself from thinking too much as I would panic if I let my overactive imagination wander. I found that the forest was not as scary as I thought it would be. However, I did not sit down throughout the time I was dropped off as I heard frogs around me and was worried that they would jump on me. Hence, I ended up squatting in the dark. I had an awful cramp in my legs later when I stood up. My legs felt wobbly as I walked unstably back to the campsite.\
I was very tired when the walk ended. I fell asleep very soon after I got back to the dorms. I was so tired that I did not mind the bad condition of the dorms.
To be continued...

Long Time No Blog..

Hello to all!
I have not updated my blog for quite a long time as I have been kind of busy lately. Besides that, I have also attended a camp for the past three days from Friday to Sunday. I shall blog about my experiences about this camp in this post.
Due to the fact that I think that I shall have quite a lot to write about, I shall blog about my experiences in three separate posts (one for each day of the camp).
Here are the links for these three posts:
Day 1 (Friday) : http://canunicornsfly.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_1708.html
Day 2 (Saturday) : http://canunicornsfly.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_4594.html
Day 3 (Sunday) : http://canunicornsfly.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_6127.html
I hope you guys will enjoy reading it. Do comment below if you have anything to say.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Back to Permata Pintar

Okay this post is gonna be short as I have already spent too much time writing the previous post. These posts are late as I have been busy lately.
All I did today was to go and buy stuff for me to bring back to the hostel. I also managed to carry out part of my plan. Sadly, the twins will be separated. (This sentence has a hidden meaning. If you don't understand it, never mind. All shall be revealed soon!)
I also discovered that many fun things happened in my absence at Permata. The kids had fun without me!! Hmpph.. Why do all the good things happen when I'm not there? Ishhh...

Back In Time : Mega Blocks

I have been going to my grandmother's house continuously these few days. As usual, my grandmother had cooked a feast and I had ate until I was stuffed. Besides that, my aunt gave me some clothes that I could use when I go to the US next year. However, that is not what I want to talk about in this post.
I bet all of you know what is Lego, right? I think most kids will own at least a set of Lego. I have a box of Legos at home too. But I have not played with them for quite a long time. I got the chance to relive my childhood moments when I played with my cousin sister's Mega Blocks! These blocks look like Legos, but they are many times bigger!

The rest of my post is just pictures! The captions will tell the story... Enjoy!

Le Mega Blocks!!! Look! Its for ages 1-5!!

Behold my mighty creation!!

Sitting down.. If any of you wondered why the eyes look weird, lemme tell you this. They're actually wheels.

It stands!! With some help from my hand..

No hands! However, I had to block it with a box to prevent it from falling over!

And... The pieces left after I'm done! This set sucks. It has such limited pieces.
This robot is purely created by me. Don't blame me if you think the robot looks lousy. Its good enough for a set with such limited pieces. Any resemblance to any other robot is purely coincidence.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Food Again!!

Okay, I have been eating for the whole day again as I went to my grandmother's house again! Really, I'll get fat if I continue eating at this rate. And Siew won't be proud of me. (If she knew XD)
Remember that freaking puffy thing in the last post?? Go and see it!! Its just below here.. Today my cousin kept throwing it around the house. POOR PUFFY THING. AWW... My heart bleeds to see it being thrown about! (I think that escalated quickly). Anyway I have half a mind to steal it for myself when she flies back to the US..
By the way, I just found out that the Laser Battle in Ipoh Parade has reopened AND IT HAS A PACIFIC RIM THEME! I'm seriously tempted and I really feel like going now!