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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Le Surprise Party

Yesterday, my friends and I held a surprise party for our granny, Arathi Jeyaratnam. Her birthday was actually on the 18th of October, which was a Friday. However, we didn't managed to celebrate her birthday on that day as we had to attend the jati diri camp. Therefore, her birthday party was delayed until yesterday.
She was very surprised and thanked all of us. I really can't believe that she didn't suspect a thing as I was practically acting kind of weird through the whole day planning the party. We tricked her to follow us to the venue of the party and she didn't realized anything until we started singing the birthday song. We enjoyed that epic moment when that look of realization appeared on her face.
We also got her A PINK FLUFFY UNICORN as a present! We tied the unicorn to the fan and Arathi had to climb up and get it down herself.

Now the pictures will tell the story...

The unicorn we drew on the board!

Arathi trying to untie the unicorn!!

Granny is feeding me pizza...

Now it's Siew's turn!!
Shaspreet's epic face when eating her pizza!!!
And last but not least, Arathi giving her thank-you speech!!
